
Janice Ellis has lived and worked in Missouri for more than three decades, analyzing educational, political, social and economic issues across race, ethnicity, age and socio-economic status. Her commentary has appeared in The Kansas City Star, community newspapers, on radio and now online. She is the author of two award-winning books: From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream (2018) and Shaping Public Opinion: How Real Advocacy Journalism™ Should be Practiced (2021). Ellis holds a Ph.D. in communication arts, and two Master of Arts degrees, one in communications arts and a second in political science, all from the University of Wisconsin.
If you were asked what does America stand for today, what would you say?
By: Janice Ellis - October 7, 2024
Throughout history, despite what it confronted, America has had leaders emerge whose words and actions helped shape its identity and its voice. How would you characterize America’s identity today? Where is America’s voice? At critical points in the history of this country, it has, more often than not, been resoundingly clear. But, today, it is […]
Our news media as fact checker and truth-teller
By: Janice Ellis - September 23, 2024
As both the internet and social media continue to be among the primary sources of information for a large percentage of the population, our news media must assume responsibility and perform more boldly and consistently the role of fact checker and truth-teller. A recent survey reveals that no single media outlet singularly gains or maintains […]
The lead characters in the political drama are set, only we can determine the ending
By: Janice Ellis - August 26, 2024
The political drama of this election cycle has had scenes and dialogue that were downright ridiculous or refreshingly unbelievable, but don’t be cajoled or fouled. What we are witnessing is not entertainment. This is history unfolding before our very eyes, and we have the most central and critical role to play. We are familiar with […]
Keeping our eyes on the prize during the homestretch of political campaigns
By: Janice Ellis - July 29, 2024
No state is an island. No state will survive, let alone thrive, without a winning America. Missouri’s welfare and America’s are inextricably tied. To answer the question of what kind of America you want is also to answer what kind of Missouri you want. If we do not see the connections, we are running the […]
Our words have the power to create, to heal, to injure and to kill
By: Janice Ellis - July 18, 2024
We do not yet know the motive of the would-be assassin who attempted to take Donald Trump’s life. We do know that he was, like all of us are, confronted with a constant barrage of words promoting hate and divisiveness at every level of our politics. Have we created a climate that says violence is […]
Think about what non-negotiable qualifications will determine who you vote for
By: Janice Ellis - July 1, 2024
Now that we have had the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, did either exhibit the qualities and competencies to earn your vote? Electing the best candidate is not up to big money contributors, political parties and partisan talking heads drowning the airways. It is left up to us as Missourians, joining […]
Will you be AWOL in the upcoming elections?
By: Janice Ellis - June 3, 2024
Not voting in the presidential primary and general election is tantamount to an act of dereliction of duty, even desertion when it comes to defending and protecting our democratic republic. At a bare minimum, it certainly can be considered cowardice and laziness. Offended? We should be. Being disappointed or disgusted with the candidates seeking our […]
Missourians must remain vigilant to protect our initiative petition process
By: Janice Ellis - May 20, 2024
The initiative petition process is the means by which we as citizens can directly participate in our democracy. Preserving that right could not be more important than when it comes to amending our state constitution. Being able to continue to do that without hurdles and encumbrances survived — at least until the next Missouri legislative […]
America’s number one role model should be our president
By: Janice Ellis - May 6, 2024
By our vote — or failure to vote — six months from today, we will have selected the next president of the United States. Will we have selected the person who could represent the best of America? Whether we are ready or not, the presidential campaign is in full swing. We have time to evaluate […]
Systemic racism, politics prevent Black expectant mothers from getting needed health care
By: Janice Ellis - April 22, 2024
Last week was Black Maternal Health Week, and Mother’s Day is just around the corner — a perfect time to focus on the fact that the critical health care an expectant mother needs remains unavailable for many. That’s especially true for Black mothers and their unborn babies. The detrimental and deadly impact of systemic racism […]
Where does motherhood fit in our Women’s History Month celebrations?
By: Janice Ellis - March 25, 2024
As we come to the close of Women’s History Month, we have remembered and celebrated women who have broken barriers and made contributions in many areas in our society. But where does motherhood fit among the contributions to be honored? Motherhood should be among the first professions and accomplishments to be recognized. Your immediate thought […]
Civic education is needed in Missouri — and the nation — more than ever
By: Janice Ellis - March 11, 2024
There is an urgent need to make civic education available in our schools to help protect and strengthen our republic and its democratic form of government. Civic learning and participation should be a priority in Missouri and nationwide. This week, Civic Learning Week, has been set aside to emphasize the importance of every citizen having […]