
Janice Ellis has lived and worked in Missouri for more than three decades, analyzing educational, political, social and economic issues across race, ethnicity, age and socio-economic status. Her commentary has appeared in The Kansas City Star, community newspapers, on radio and now online. She is the author of two award-winning books: From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream (2018) and Shaping Public Opinion: How Real Advocacy Journalism™ Should be Practiced (2021). Ellis holds a Ph.D. in communication arts, and two Master of Arts degrees, one in communications arts and a second in political science, all from the University of Wisconsin.
Each taxpayer is an employer. What kind of employer are you?
By: Janice Ellis - September 4, 2023
As we pause to pay tribute to the achievements and contributions of workers to our economy and their struggle to improve working conditions, the role that employers have played and continue to play — for good or ill — is inescapable. How are employers measuring up in caring out their responsibilities to employees? A recent […]
What you hope for determines what you work for
By: Janice Ellis - August 21, 2023
It is August, a time for new beginnings, infused with hope even amid anxiety and trepidation. August is rarely thought of as a time of new beginnings and reflection. But just think about it. Vacations are ending. It’s harvest time for farmers. Kids, young and old alike, are beginning or returning to school. August is […]
Each of us has to stand for something. Will you stand for democracy?
By: Janice Ellis - August 7, 2023
Amid all the political dysfunction occurring at every level of our government, and historic indictments of a former president, what really hangs in the balance is the very survival and future of our democracy. We each have a defining decision to make in the coming months. What are we willing to do to save democracy, […]
America is treading in perilous and unprecedented historical waters
By: Janice Ellis - July 24, 2023
Much of what we are witnessing in local and national politics goes beyond typical partisan policy differences and divides. There are real efforts to dismantle what America has purported to be about — A land where all of its citizens have the same rights under the Constitution. Some of the rhetoric and proposed policies in […]
What does being a patriot or nationalist mean to you?
By: Janice Ellis - July 4, 2023
As we celebrate the nation’s 247th birthday amid what appears to be intransigent partisan political divides on many fronts, it seems a good time to ponder what patriotism and nationalism means in America today. Are you feeling patriotic or nationalistic as we pause to celebrate this Fourth of July? Which? And if neither, why not? […]
What is the state of the Black family unit in America today?
By: Janice Ellis - June 19, 2023
June 19th, Juneteenth, has been set aside as a national holiday to celebrate the end of the enslavement of Black people. Today is a good day to take inventory of the state of Blacks in America. There is no better place to begin than to revisit the journey of the Black family unit to help […]
It’s never too early for voters to get engaged
By: Janice Ellis - June 5, 2023
As cities, states and our nation face many political, economic and social challenges, who we vote for in upcoming elections carries monumental importance. All we need to do is to look at the state of things to know that we need to change the direction and the unraveling trajectory we are on. Many state legislatures […]
Community gardens are good for more than fresh food
By: Janice Ellis - May 22, 2023
In recent years, community gardens have gained popularity as alternatives to address the growing crisis of food deserts, particularly in central cities. But community gardens offer opportunities for much more. The personal, communal and environmental benefits are many. In addition to being a fresh and healthy food source, a community garden can also help close […]
Beware of dangerous rip currents that threaten our government
By: Janice Ellis - May 1, 2023
On an almost daily basis we are confronted with the choice of continuing to believe in the role, value and integrity of our government or conclude that it is irretrievably broken. At a minimum we must seriously ask: Are we at risk of succumbing to what appears to be inherent and intransigent dishonesty and hypocrisy […]
Strong leaders with unwavering voices are required for major changes in our society
By: Janice Ellis - April 17, 2023
In times of a major crisis, discord, division or a crossroads situation where a country or society finds itself at the precipice of what will define its future, a committed leader with a commanding voice emerges. Who will be that leader — that strong, dedicated and unifying voice to lead us to a solution to […]
Parents and teachers: Use your power to get assault weapons banned
By: Janice Ellis - April 3, 2023
Parents have the right to drop off or send their children to safe schools. Teachers have the right to educate them in safe classrooms. Their rights are just as important as the rights of gun owners, if not more so. So where is the outcry for the rights of parents and teachers? Here we are […]
Campaigns to kill ‘wokeness’ are efforts to perpetuate racism, disenfranchisement
By: Janice Ellis - March 20, 2023
Spending time fighting “woke,” “wokeness,” and a so-called “culture war” instead of focusing on the real issues and problems we face as a nation is a downright miscarriage of the political and legislative processes. Legislators, political leaders and potential candidates have found a new strawman to use to reenergize and promote continued racism and disenfranchisement. […]